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Colt Rangemaster (Classic Hunting Rifle) v1.1 for Fallout 4 0

| 13-01-2023, 17:37 | 1 683
Colt Rangemaster (Classic Hunting Rifle) v1.1 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - v1.10.163+
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Last edited by: admin - 13-01-2023, 17:37
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.1
Download mod Colt Rangemaster (Classic Hunting Rifle) v1.1 for Fallout 4 game.

Colt Rangemaster - this modification adds a classic hunting rifle Mothman/Colt Rangemaster in several variants and M-3 lever shotgun appeared in the Commonwealth. This weapon is a modern take on a semi-automatic rifle from classic fallout pieces. Has a unique high quality model, its own sound of a shot, its own icon. The weapons and modifications themselves have been added to the level lists, so you will definitely find them in the Wasteland. There is also a unique version of the rifle, hidden somewhere in the mountains ...

Features Colt Rangemaster:
- Rangemaster Rifle (with Mothman Logo).
- Rangemaster Sentinel Rifle (with Mothman Logo).
- Worn Rangemaster Rifle (with Mothman Logo).
- M-3 Shotgun (with Mothman Logo).
- Custom animations.
- Custom sounds.
- Rifles and shotgun added to LevelLists with using script.

Tested on game version v1.10.163+
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Colt Rangemaster (Classic Hunting Rifle) v1.1 for Fallout 4 Colt Rangemaster (Classic Hunting Rifle) v1.1 for Fallout 4 Colt Rangemaster (Classic Hunting Rifle) v1.1 for Fallout 4
Changes in v1.1:
What fix:
- Fixed third-person animations of M-3 shotgun
- Fixed folding stock animations for Rangemaster Sentinel and Rangemaster rifles
- Fixed third-person Power Armor animations for Rangemaster Sentinel rifle
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to install a red tape on some magazines
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to install a flashlight on some scopes
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed minor errors in the texts
- Some names have been changed
- Changed the script responsible for switching modes of weapons and flashlights (removed the limit on the number of rifles in the inventory, now there can be more than one)

What adds:
- New stock for M-3 shotgun
- New muzzle devices for M-3 shotgun
- New barrels for M-3 shotgun
- New stock for Rangemaster rifle
- New stock for Rangemaster Sentinel rifle
- New Scout Scopes for Rangemaster rifle (all optical and collimator Scopes)
- New wood trim options for the Rangemaster rifle
- New wood and polymer trim options for M-3 shotgun
- A new painting option for M-3 shotgun
- New painting options for Rangemaster Sentinel rifle
- New painting options for Rangemaster Sentinel and Rangemaster rifle magazines
- Leather covers for the forend, stock and lever of M-3 shotgun (with four color options)
- Covers for recoil stocks for Rangemaster Sentinel rifles, Rangemaster and M-3 shotgun
- Infrared sighting device for the Rangemaster Sentinel rifle (placed in the flashlight slot on the scope frame)
- Additional models for loadscreens

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