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STG-60 Weapon v1.1 for Fallout 4 0

| 9-02-2017, 12:53 | 3 568
STG-60 Weapon v1.1 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - Fallout 4
Credits: -

STG-60 Weapon v1.1 for Fallout 4 game.


My second attempt at a weapon mod. 

Adds (more or less) the assault rifle from Wolfenstein: The New Order. Though not really Lore Friendly, i tried to retcon it in as like a standard issue battle rifle for the European Commonwealth refereed to in previous Fallout games. Can be found on Gunners, Caravan Mercenaries, and some settlers. 

Mod includes the following:
- STG-60 (Sturmgewehr Modal 2060)
-Standard Long Rifle Barrel
-Short Rifle Barrel
-Carbine Short Barrel
-Carbine Long Barrel
-Muzzle Break
-Semi Auto (Daka) (custom sound effect from the game!)
-Full Auto  (DAKADAKADAKAAKADAKADAKADAKADAKADAKADAKA) (custom sound effect from the game!)
-...just the one...
-Rifle Stock
-Carbine Stud
-Marksman Scope (Standard and night vision)
-Reflex Sight
-Iron Sights
-Stick Frag Grenade
-Stick EM Pulse Grenade

Known issues: Loop sound for full auto tends to stutter slightly on the first trigger pull, pulling the trigger again should sound normal. Requires Nukaworld DLC for AR Animations. 

Instillation through NMM or extract the rar contents to your fallout 4 data folder. 

Not available for Console versions yet. Fallout 3 and New Vegas Versions are also to come.  

Please post any bugs issues and I will try to fix them as soon as humanly possible. Requests for tweaks, alterations and such for your preferred play style will be taken under consideration but not guaranteed.

Modeled and UV mapped in Maya 2016, Texturing using Substance Painter and Photoshop CS6.  

Please do not re-upload or use in other mods without asking and waiting for permission first!


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STG-60 Weapon v1.1 for Fallout 4 STG-60 Weapon v1.1 for Fallout 4 STG-60 Weapon v1.1 for Fallout 4

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