Download Simulator Mods » Fallout 4 » Pornstar Fashion CBBE + BodySlide v1.0 for Fallout 4

Pornstar Fashion CBBE + BodySlide v1.0 for Fallout 4 0

| 16-12-2021, 19:51 | 2 223
Pornstar Fashion CBBE + BodySlide v1.0 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - v1.10.163+
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Download mod Pornstar Fashion CBBE + BodySlide v1.0 for Fallout 4 game.

Pornstar Fashion CBBE - this modification adds a spicy new set of clothes and armor for Fallout 4. Now you can create a truly unique image of a porn star for your female character using a revealing set of equipment. You can create new equipment in the Chemical Laboratory. The set can be improved and changed through the workbench.

Features Mod:
- You can craft the nine pieces at the chemistry station under the Pornstar category.
- You can change their appearance at the armor workbench.
- The underwear can be upgraded at the armor workbench with a custom ballistic weave that doesn't require the Railroad.
- The underwear and earrings offer +1 Charisma. The Purses offer +100 carry weight.
- You can freely equip them to any of your female followers. 

This mod includes:
- 20 x Tops
- 19 x Skirts
- 17 x Collars
- 17 x Purses
- 12 x High Socks
- 12 x Low Socks
- 17 x Underwear & Heels
- 02 x Earrings
- 02 x Bracelets 

Tested on game version v1.10.163+
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Pornstar Fashion CBBE + BodySlide v1.0 for Fallout 4 Pornstar Fashion CBBE + BodySlide v1.0 for Fallout 4 Pornstar Fashion CBBE + BodySlide v1.0 for Fallout 4

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