Changes in v5.6.3:New:- OS: Added way to add multiple custom bones in a parent chain at once.
- OS: Added "Double Sided" checkbox to shape properties.
- OS: Include loaded loose file name in window title.
Fixes:- BodySlide: Fixed toggles for zaps that are zapped by default.
- OS: Fixed OBJ and FBX import preview not rendering (issue with UI framework).
- OS: Fixed stuttering in UV editor and import previews.
Changes in v5.6:New:
- General: Added support for NIF file version 155. (@ousnius)
- General: Added support for reading material file version 20 (BGSM/BGEM). (@ousnius)
- OS: Improved smooth brush algorithms (balanced pair circle+parabola fit). (@sts1skj)
- OS: Added special FO4 segment slots to dropdown (pipboy cap = slot 160). (@ousnius)
- OS: New feature "Copy Partitions/Segments" from reference shape. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Added preview for OBJ/FBX import with new options: (@ousnius)
- Invert U/V, Scale, Rotate X/Y/Z.
- Show vertex and triangle counts, red text if too many.
- Allow deleting single shapes with DEL.
- Green shape selection highlight in preview.
- OS: Added separate translate/rotate/scale dialogs to UV editor. (@ousnius)
- OS: New dialog "Symmetrize Vertices" for X-mirroring position, weights and sliders. (@sts1skj)
- OS: New feature "Mask Symmetric Vertices" for masking mirrored vertices with identical data. (@sts1skj)
- OS: New feature "Mask Symmetric Triangles" for masking mirrored triangles with identical data. (@sts1skj)
- OS: New dialog "Check For Bad Bones" that lists inconsistent bone transforms with options for fixing them. (@sts1skj)
- OS: New submenu "Bad Bones" in the bone context menu with two options for fixing bad bones. (@sts1skj)
- OS: New tool "Move Vertex" for moving/snapping/welding/merging individual vertices. (@sts1skj)
- OS: New options for restricting brushes to mesh plane and normal. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Mirrored display of brush circle with X-mirror on. (@sts1skj, @ousnius)
- OS: Added option to retain weights/sliders in conversion wizard. (@ousnius)
- BodySlide: Improved output label and conflicts popup menu. (@ousnius)
- OS: Better brush falloff due to new cubic falloff formula. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Added scale to the pose parameters and removed old bone scale slider. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Made "Apply Pose To Mesh" undoable. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Made "Apply Pose To Mesh" update position diff sliders too. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Allow 4 decimals and max value of 10 in brush settings to be entered manually. (@sts1skj, @ousnius)
- OS: Prevent switching to segments or partitions tab with multiple meshes selected. (@sts1skj, @ousnius)
- OS: Made Mask More/Less, Invert/Clear Mask and Mask Weighted undoable. (@sts1skj, @ousnius)
- OS: Made "Show Bones" show posed bones when "Show Pose" is on. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Copy ALL shader properties and children with "Copy from shape". (@ousnius)
- OS: OBJ Import: Do more to preserve original vertex order. (@sts1skj)
- OS: OBJ Import: Correctly handle faces with more than 4 vertices. (@sts1skj)
- OS: OBJ Import: Prevent duplication of vertices when normals or UVs are duplicated in the file. (@sts1skj)
- OS: OBJ/FBX Import: Added option to update normals when merging data with an existing shape. (@sts1skj)
- OS: FBX Import: Split vertices with multiple UVs/normals. (@sts1skj, @ousnius)
- OS: Allow resizing New/Load/Save Project and Load Reference dialogs. (@ousnius)
- OS: Slight performance improvements while brushing. (@sts1skj, @ousnius)
- General: Various fixes to NIF library (nifly). (@ousnius, @sts1skj)
- General: Fixed "no image" texture spreading to meshes that shouldn't have it. (@ousnius)
- General: Fixed model space normal map rendering with model rotation. (@ousnius)
- General: Fixed some rendering issues with alpha blending. (@ousnius)
- OS: Fixed freezes on some systems when ending a brush stroke. (@ousnius)
- OS: Fixed undesired shape translation when importing OBJ (mostly FO4). (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed custom bones not appearing with "Show Bones" on. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed incorrect bone display in FO3/NV with "Show Bones" on. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed bug where applying/undoing/redoing a mesh edit would trash the masks. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed "Connected Only" brush option sometimes unwelding vertices. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed rare issue where brushes wouldn't hit vertices that they should hit. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed normals flickering in some cases while brushing. (@sts1skj, @ousnius)
- OS: Fixed single normals sometimes not recalculating correctly while brushing. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed display of weight and mask value in status bar. (@ousnius)
- OS: Fixed bug where sometimes high brush strength values do nothing. (@sts1skj)
- OS: OBJ Import: Handle negative OBJ vertex/UV/normal indices correctly. (@sts1skj)
- OS: FBX Import/Export: Fixed swapping X/Y/Z for normals. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed texture set not being created with "Add Shader" in shape properties. (@sts1skj)
- OS: Fixed issues with skipping copy weights/conform dialogs in conversion wizard. (@ousnius)
- OS: Several fixes/cleanups related to mesh coordinate transforms. (@sts1skj)
Other Changes:
- General: Updated third party libraries (wxWidgets, GLI/GLM, SOIL2, half, Miniball). (@ousnius)
- OS: Removed u|
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