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Locked and Loaded - Gunners Addon v1.1 for Fallout 4 0

| 7-03-2025, 12:42 | 46
Locked and Loaded - Gunners Addon v1.1 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - v1.10.163+
Credits: -
Locked and Loaded Gunners Addon - the mod is tagged as lore-friendly and safe to use, requiring no specific DLCs or new game starts, though it integrates seamlessly into existing playthroughs. It has garnered positive feedback for enhancing the Gunners’ presence, turning routine encounters into more dynamic and intense battles.

Adds several new robots to the ranks of the Gunners faction, found wherever Gunners spawn:
- Scrappers: Cheap and disposable robots, used mostly for stripping and hauling resources, general scavving or as expendable troops. Generally armed with lower class weapons.
- Scrapper Packmasters: Somewhat better armed Scrappers, usually accompanied by a MULE.
- MULES: Quadrupedal robots used to haul large amounts of resources. Best be wary though, they can still pack a punch.
- Heavy Assaultrons: Larger and sturdier than their standard cousins, they forgo the head-laser in favour of heavy weapons and the new Heavy Assaultron Blade (which can be upgraded to with two new shock based attachments).
- Warmaster: The biggest, baddest robot you're likely to encounter in the Commonwealth. Twin lasers, rocket launcher and the devastating Hunter-killer drone launcher make it a force to be reckoned with. My advice - Keep moving and beware the drones, which will follow you relentlessly. Only three Warmasters can be found in the wasteland - One in Quincy, one outside Gunners Plaza, and one in the Glowing Sea.

Tested on game version v1.10.163+
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Locked and Loaded - Gunners Addon v1.1 for Fallout 4 Locked and Loaded - Gunners Addon v1.1 for Fallout 4 Locked and Loaded - Gunners Addon v1.1 for Fallout 4 Locked and Loaded - Gunners Addon v1.1 for Fallout 4
Changes in v1.0:
- first release

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