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Electric Locomotive DB BR 181.2 Loco v1.0 for TS 2019 0

| 27-03-2019, 22:26 | 4 055
Electric Locomotive DB BR 181.2 Loco v1.0 for TS 2019
Category - Locomotives Train Simulator
Version game - v65.6f
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Mod Electric Locomotive DB BR 181.2 Loco v1.0 for TS 2019 | Train Simulator 2019 game.

In the 1960s, early German electric traction was starting to take a proper shape, developments were being made, and for the Deutsche Bundesbahn, a mixed-traffic design was due for production.

The new locomotive would be able to take advantage of the expanding electrified network, bringing newfound power and speed to passenger and freight services throughout Germany and even into neighbouring countries. Initially a small batch of pre-series locomotives, classified as the BR 181, were built in 1966 and put to the test; engineers analysed them and their unique dynamic braking abilities. 4 of these locomotives were built, two were known as the BR 181.0 and the others were the BR 181.1s.

As time rolled on, DB expressed their need for a fleet of locomotives which could haul cross-border traffic, and more and more wires were being erected on routes across Germany and France. The BR 181 had its chance, it was originally developed as a dual-power locomotive, to work on different electrification systems, and was selected as the basis for a series of 25 locomotives. Some changes were made however, and so the new fleet, which was built between 1974 and 1975, was dubbed the BR 181.2.

Included Scenarios

The DB BR 181.2 Loco Add-on features three challenging career scenarios for the Mosel Valley: Koblenz - Trier Route Add-On:

  • [BR 181 PL] Cargo to Wittlich
  • [BR 181 PL] DGS to Koblenz Mosel
  • [BR 181 PL] RB 12501 to Wittlich
Please Note: Mosel Valley: Koblenz - Trier Route Add-On is required, as a separate purchase, in order to play the scenarios featured in this add-on.

More scenarios are available on the Steam Workshop online and in-game. Train Simulator’s Steam Workshop scenarios are free and easy to download, adding many more hours of exciting gameplay. With scenarios being added daily, why don’t you check it out now!

Key Features

  • DB BR 181.2 in DB Traffic Red Livery
  • Prototypical driving behavior
  • Tap-changer automatic notch control
  • Monitoring function for important values like voltage and traction motor temperature
  • Prototypical PZB 90 V2.0
  • Brake modes R-P-G
  • Brake system with overcharging of the main air pipe pressure
  • Delayed and smoothly regulated e-brake
  • Pantographs selectable and pre-selectable, with sparks with sound
  • Time-time SIFA
  • Double-heading formation system
  • Usable and basic EBula functionality
  • Switchable instrument lights, cab light and desk lights
  • Usable blinds and windows
  • vR ZZA and vR door system compatible
  • Realistic sound optimized for EFX
How to set the fashion in the Train Simulator: for RailWorks add-ons are installed using the built-in Utilites Add-ons Manager, located in the root folder of the game.
Press the large Install button (SET) which is to the right, and specify a location or rpk rwp-archive.
If the file is not packed in such a file, then copy the Assets folder to the root of the game and confirm the replacement.
Tested on game version v65.6f
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Electric Locomotive DB BR 181.2 Loco v1.0 for TS 2019 Electric Locomotive DB BR 181.2 Loco v1.0 for TS 2019 Electric Locomotive DB BR 181.2 Loco v1.0 for TS 2019

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