Download Simulator Mods » SnowRunner Mods » Derry Longhorn - HET M1070 Truck v1.10 for SnowRunner

Derry Longhorn - HET M1070 Truck v1.10 for SnowRunner 0

| 17-11-2020, 11:08 | 869
Derry Longhorn - HET M1070 Truck v1.10 for SnowRunner
Category - SnowRunner Mods
Version game - v9.0
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Download mod Derry Longhorn - HET M1070 Truck v1.10 for SnowRunner game.

HET M1070 - This is an attempt recreate the real life M1070 as much as is possible in the confines of the game. Tweak is more about the fantasy and immersion of a Military spec truck, and i hope i've achieved that.

Features Derry Longhorn - HET M1070:
- Basic is vanilla game for realism enthusiasts, Pro are slightly overpowered and the soft ones are less bouncy and provide minimal increase in grip over pro.
- Includes two big semitrailers from base game that i have tweaked with better suspension, matching tires, and better lights, find them in trailer store as Oshkosh trailers
- Added Antennas, led lights, jerry cans, repair boxes, and custom tires.
- Fixed missing lights, and overhauled the exisiting ones.
- Everything was tweaked! Overall mass increased; engine; gearbox; suspension; turn radius; fuel consumption; tank size and much more.
- Color schemes set to match the MTVR series of Trucks made by Rng3r because they come from the same company Oshkosh Defense and he allowed the use of some of his assets.
- Two suspensions; same stats but one is active if you want more control over ground clearance.

Changes in v1.10:
- Updated for new patch
- fixed wide stepdeck trailer wheels
- Added Black paints

Tested on game version v9.0
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Derry Longhorn - HET M1070 Truck v1.10 for SnowRunner Derry Longhorn - HET M1070 Truck v1.10 for SnowRunner Derry Longhorn - HET M1070 Truck v1.10 for SnowRunner

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