Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - a comprehensive bugfixing mod for Fallout 4. The goal of the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (aka UFO4P) is to eventually fix every bug with Fallout 4 not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the Creation Kit and community-developed tools, in one easy-to-install package.
Features Patch:
- Hundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, object, item, text and placement bugs fixed.
- Created by the authors of the Unofficial Oblivion and Skyrim Patch series.
- No unsafe changes (such as deletions of stock objects).
- Designed to be compatible with as many other mods as possible.
Changes in v2.7:
- UFO4P Fixes
- The .esp and .ba2 files have been changed to lowercase filenames. This is to help facilitate universal filename compatibility for Steam Deck and regular linux users whose file systems are case sensitive. Many of them make use of the in-game menu to download mods and ALWAYS downloads in lowercase. (Bug #34096)
- UFO4P had an undocumented change to the X01 Torso Lining C OMOD that has now been removed. (Bug #34188)
- Facegen files needed to be generated for EncWorkshopNPCMaleFarmer05 after fixing their duplicate appearace in 26842. (Bug #34378)
- Item Fixes
- The Baseball Launcher [ccSBJFO4003_BaseballLauncher] is incorrectly flagged as a VATS Long Burst weapon. The VATSWeaponLongBurst keyword should not have been applied. Removing this fixes several issues with the weapon. (Bug #34038)
- Location Fixes
- Navmesh in POIRJ13 (18,25) [Commonwealth worldspace] was added by the NG update. This navmesh did not take into account edits made by Far Harbor in the same area. This navmesh needed to be refinalized with all of the DLC loaded to ensure it has the correct cell connection data. (Bug #34300)
- Vault-Tec Office [VaultTecOfficeExt01] is incorrectly assigned to the West Everett Estates location. It should be assigned to VaultTecOfficeLocation instead. (Bug #34368)
- Navmesh in the farmhouse at Abernaty Farm is partially sunken below the floor, preventing the NPCs from navigating it properly. (Bug #34226)
- Fort Hagen Satellite Array can't be cleared more than once because the boss NPC does not respawn. The assaultron next to her has been marked as a boss as well. [01007539] (Bug #34210)
- The USS Riptide is not clearable because the eastern side of the barge is not included in the USS Riptide location data. (Bug #34168) [NR]
- Mesh, Material, and Texture Fixes
- The DLC banners for the Contraptions Workshop are incorrectly sized at 500x1024 instead of 512x1024, which can lead to the game crashing. [textures\interface\, extures\interface\] (Bug #34251)
- The vault door in the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC had a misaligned polygon when the door plays its open animation. [Meshes\DLC06\Architecture\Vault\WorkshopVaultExteriorGearDoor01\WorkshopVaultExteriorGearDoor01.nif] (Bug #34303)
- Bus Stop Benches have a pulled vertex on them that creates an unnatural sharp point. Note: This will only address the furniture version of this bench because the static copies are contained in previsbines. [Meshes\Furniture\BusStop\BusStop01.nif] (Bug #33114)
- Quest and Dialogue Fixes
- While "Best of Three" [ccBGSFO4046_BestOfThree] is active, it's possible that the perk which allows you to scan Gunner Pip-Boys will cause Virgil to become hostile during the MQ, which will break it. (Bug #34008)
- Settlement and Workshop Fixes
- Lucy's bed was isolated by a navmesh precut for nearby scrappable items that prevented her from being able to use the bed properly. (Bug #34226)
- Placement/Layout/Ownership and Other World Fixes
- 0017FEA7: Warehouse door which is set to the incorrect variant. (Bug #34318)
- 085293D9: Fence Post added for unsupported chain link segment. (Bug #34263)
- 0302F334: Ownership removed from Longfellow's bed to prevent issues with bed assignments for the workshop. (Bug #34227) [PC-Only]
- 0852D82A: Pipe valves added to cover up exposed 90 degree pipe bend at Big John's Salvage. (Bug #34219)
- 0006B9F3, 0006B9AF: Beds at Abernathy Farm that cause clipping through the wall when used. (Bug #34226)
- 0020BC38: Unharvestable Glowing Fungus. (Bug #34111)
- 00175b63: Floating elevator hatch removed. (Bug #34050)
Tested on game version v1.10.163+
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