New Phone Contact : Personal Dealer
- request a parsonal dealer to sell you drugs from your current dealer
- request a personal bulk dealer to sell large amounts of drugs to you (still random drug choosen)
- request a dealer to store/remove drugs from your personal stash
- request the location of nearest mission (for each type)
New Dealer Type : The Bulk Dealer
Level Unlock : 20, A new dealer that wants only 1 type of Drug, this dealer, will want a high number of that drug, and they will not accept lower amounts of that drug, you will need to have the alocated amount or more to sell, these bulk dealers are located all around the map, but will only appear on your map when you get close to them (1000m out)
Police busts - Ambient Event
Like in the original Drug Trafficking mod, there is a chance when purchasing or selling drugs from a Dealer (Normal or Bulk), that the police will be called and you will get a wanted level and nearby cops will spawn and try to arrest/kill the player
Gang Drive By Attacks
Driving around the terratory of Vagos, Ballas, and Families with drugs will now evoke a hostile reaction
Meth RV Deliveries - Ambient Event
Level Unlock : 3, Spawn Area : All over Sandy Shores
Deliver a RV to a location in the Chilliad Forest to 'Cook' Drugs, after the mission completes you will be given amount of Meth Bags (determined by ini value)
Deludamol Van Deliveries - Ambient Event
Level Unlock : 7
Spawn Area : Nearby Hospitals
Deliver a van to a location carring Pill Bags, player will then recieve those pill bags on mission complete (amount given determined by ini value)
Under Radar Deliveries - Ambient Event
Level Unlock : 9
Spawn Area : All over Los Santos, but does not spawn in Blaine County
Deliver a van to a location without being spotted by the police hunting you, random drugs will be given to the player (determined by ini value)
Drug Mules - Ambient Event
Level Unlock : 5
Spawn Area : Determined by Traffic
A Random Gauntlet or Buffalo will become a drug mule, open the boot to reveal, Coke or Weed, steal the loot to retrieve the drugs (amount given determined by ini value)
Gang Hideouts - Missions
Level Unlock : 12
Enemies are holding an area as you base, and have collected quite a few drugs, your task is to eliminate all hostiles and collect as many drugs as you can
Drug Den Raids - Missions
Level Unlock : 7
Enemies are protecting a Enemy MC Business, kill all the enemies, and loot the sample from inside the Meth, Weed, or Cocaine MC Business
Crate Drop - Missions
Level Unlock : 5
Spawn Area : All over the Map, but more in Sandy Shores
A Crate is being guarded by enemies, this crate contains a random selection and random amount of each drug, your task is to steal the crate and escape (amount given determined by ini value)
Air Drop - Missions
Level Unlock : 13
Spawn Area : All over Sandy Shores
A plane is dropping random drugs, collect drugs crates while holding off the Lost MC (amount given determined by ini value)
Land Delivery Missions - Missions
Level Unlock : 7
Spawn Area : Around The Blaine County but few around the City
Take the vehicle required and deliver drugs to points around the map, you will need to retrieve a crate from the back of the vehicle and bring it to the buyer
Air Delivery Missions- Missions
Level Unlock : 10
Spawn Area : Around The City but few around Blaine County
Use a plane to drop crates around Los Santos and Blaine County, but be warned, the crate will drop to the ground, if it misses the drop site, you will lose a small amount of drugs and not be paid
MC Businesses - Ownable Business
Level Unlock : 18
5 Locations for each type of MC Business
Own a Weed farm, Cocaine Lockup, or Meth Lab (or all 3), that produce their specificed drug (Weed Farm produces Weed Bags, and so on), also has a personal Stash, allowing you to store your drugs for safe keeping
Personal Storage - Ownable Storage Area
Level Unlock : 12
- Save and modify up to 6 vehicles
- access to a personal stash, for storing large quanties of drugs (unlimited amount)
- Storage comes with a Personal Dealer and Personal Bulk Dealer inside
Tested on game version v1.60+
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