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Immersive Combat v1.8 for GTA 5 0

| 23-02-2025, 20:35 | 65
Immersive Combat v1.8 for GTA 5
Category - GTA V other mods
Version game - v1.60+
Credits: -
Immersive Combat GTA 5 - designed to overhaul and enhance the game's combat system, making it more realistic, engaging, and visually impactful. Created by modder Artupaky01, this modification addresses the perceived shortcomings of the vanilla game's shooting mechanics, where effects often feel underwhelming, bullets move too quickly, and rockets lack punch. The mod reworks the combat experience from both third-person and first-person perspectives to deliver a more immersive and satisfying feel.

Features Immersive Combat:
- Сhange all the weapons including MK2 and the latest updates
- Changed the position of the weapon in the hands in the first person (now it looks more like a first person shooter)
- Increased the viewing angle when aiming from the first person
- Changed damage
- The amount of ammunition is reduced
- Redone accuracy and recoil
- Reduced reload rate
- The number of cartridges in the magazines is now like real analogues
- Reduced bullet speed
- Increased rocket speed
- Completely redesigned Muzzle effects
- Tracers removed
- Reduced bullet force when fired at a ped or vehicle
- Increased the rate of fire of some weapons

Tested in game version v1.60+
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Immersive Combat v1.8 for GTA 5 Immersive Combat v1.8 for GTA 5 Immersive Combat v1.8 for GTA 5 Immersive Combat v1.8 for GTA 5

Changes in v1.8:
-Reduce the damage of 9mm weapons, this should eliminate the problem of the player being killed quickly, if you think that this did not help
-Increased sniper rifle damage
-Reworked muzzle effects for some weapons
-Returned damage for taser (if you want there to be no damage, then use Non-Lethal Stun Gun by likejeppy)
-Reduced FOV for rifles when aiming
-Added laser pointer for some more weapons
-Trash8 Tactical Grip for Some Weapons
-Added Rde compatibility
-Added new weapons from updates

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