Aim Botz - Release your inner 360 aimbot and keep on shooting those headshots all around you. Training map, which is suitable for those people who like to train before playing a competitive game. On this map you can use to train your skill with any weapon. The advantage of this map is that you can set the movement speed for the bots and they will somehow begin to resemble real running players. It is also possible to add boxes that will completely cover the bodies of the bots, leaving only the heads. So you will increase your skill by killing only in the head.
Features Aim Botz - Training:
- Moving bots, you can turn this on or off.
- Enable or disable kevlar+helmet on bots.
- Peek/spray walls, to practice peeking shots.
- Enable or disable unlimited ammo, to your liking.
- Sound practice test, a target pops up somewhere with a fire sound.
- All weapons available, just press or shoot the buttons to receive the weapon.
- Enable or disable sections of the map, through the green or red buttons on the ceiling.
Changes in v1.4:
- Fixed 90 degree challenge range.